The command line converter runs on Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, HP HPUX and allows you to integrate PStill into any application that is able to call external programs to get full PDF generating functionality. PStill also run as command line program and can be easily scripted (BAT, Shellscript, PERL, VB, etc.). Transcoding can be used to repair bad PDF or simplify the PDF structure so more limited output devices can process it. Text can be converted to outlines which makes it perfect for creating 'fontless' PDF. PStill can detect and remove duplicate elements in the PDF. Fonts can be normalized to plain PostScript Type 1 formats, can be subsetted, missing fonts included and bad fonts repaired/replaced. Your PDF cannot be printed on some printers or processed with some applications? PStill does sanitize, simplify, reprocess, flatten transparency and recompress PDF-Files, this process also known as 'transcoding' create a new PDF that has better compatibility, is often smaller in file size, can be optional encrypted/secured and contain only a uniform set of font types. Putting the 'Portable' back in PDF - PDF to PDF Transcoding.PStill also creates PDF/A-1b, a special version of PDF for archiving purposes and can change the PDF compatibility level (e.g. PStill knows about CMYK and spot colors and can handle overprinting.

PStill generate also PDF/X-1a and PDF/X-3, a focused subset of PDF for 'pre-press' work. JPEG files and PStill will create one PDF from the input set. You can just drop in some PS, PDF and e.g.
It provide a uniform and easy to use import interface to parse all supported file formats and extract text, vector, image and AI data (DLL extract also geo information). PStill converts PDF, PostScript, EPS, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP and GIF files to PDF, PDF/A and PDF/X, image file formats, STL format for 3D printing and optional generate pre-press ready EPS and PS files.