This route / strategy is designed for experienced Stardew players knowledge of many game mechanics is assumed.This is a "min-max" guide for a Stardew Valley run created by BlackSight6 & Zamiel.Stardew Valley Min-Max Routing / Strategy
Kent left when Vincent was very young, so he was very surprised to see how hyper both he and Sam were.Stardew Valley Min-Max Routing / Strategy Older Guides Table of Contents Preface Goal Route Overview Rules Gold per Energy List (GPE) Energy Recovery Mechanics General Fishing Strategy Weapons Weapon Progression Hammers & The Hammer Spam Bug General Mines Strategy General Skull Caverns Strategy Diamond & Jade Farming (for Skull Cavern) Weather Modifications Dog/Cat Mechanics Ginger Island NPC Friendship & Birthdays Other Notes The Route Spring 1 Spring 2 Spring 3 Spring 4 Spring 5 Spring 6 Spring 7 Spring 8 Spring 9 Spring 10 Spring 11 Spring 12 Spring 13 Spring 14 Spring 15 Spring 16 Spring 17 & Beyond Spring 18 Spring 19 Spring 20 Spring 21 Spring 22 Spring 23 Spring 24 Spring 25 Spring 26 Spring 27 Spring 28 Summer 1 Summer 2 Summer 3 Summer 4 Summer 5 & Beyond Summer 9 Summer 10 Summer 11 Summer 13 & Beyond Summer 19 Summer 20 Summer 24 Summer 25 Summer 26 Summer 27 Summer 28 Fall 1 Fall 2 Fall 9 Fall 10 Winter 1 & Beyond Appendix A: Recommended Restrictions Appendix B: Mods UI Info Suite 2 Always Scroll Map Energy Count Fast Animations Highlighted Jars No Defend With Sword Remember Faced Direction Running Late Skip Intro Sleepless Fisherman Zoom Level Appendix C: Average Gold per Hour for Fishing Appendix D: Early Community Center Appendix E: Birthdays Lewis - Spring 7 Vincent - Spring 10 Haley - Spring 14 Pam - Spring 18 - ✔ Shane - Spring 20 Pierre - Spring 26 Emily - Spring 27 Jas - Summer 4 Birthdays in Summer and Beyond Appendix F: Elevator Void Farming Step 1 - Get the Burglar's Ring Step 2 - Farm Shadow Brutes, Shadow Shaman, and Diamonds Other Notes Appendix G: Miscellaneous Testing Fishing on Spring Rain Forest River From Ocean Fishing Spot to Mountain Lake Fishing Spot
Vincent likes to hyperfixate too, especially on the things Sam likes! If he ever sees Sam playing a video game, he does his best to learn how to play it so he can show off.She wasn’t diagnosed until she was around sixteen, so she was very adamant with getting them the meds and help they needed. Jodi had already been through this with Sam, so she didn’t fret nearly as much and did her best to help him like how she wished she did with Sam.He was hyper, very imaginative and couldn’t focus for the life of him. Vincent was the exact same as Sam as a child.

They try to keep him busy, too by finding more things for him to like or hobbies to get into. Seb and Abby are very supportive!! They understand that he isn’t always there mentally, and if he ever appears like he isn’t paying attention, they know he is.He will occasionally hyperfixate on things, ranging from video games, to movies, or shows that he watched with Sebastian and Abigail.Whenever he plays music though, he can focus on that and his mind is finally clear. He fidgets constantly, always doing something with his hands.Jodi did her best to help with his symptoms in the ways that she helped herself. But he didn’t! Sam was always a very happy kid, despite being anxious when he became a teenager.A side effect of hers was dpeeesion, so she was afraid Sam would turn out the same. She’s been taking meds for it since she was a teen. Jodi felt really bad, as ADHD runs in her family.Harvey always thought he was a very hyperactive kid, that’s all. He wasn’t officially diagnosed for a while, because Harvey wasn’t ever the best with different disorders and things along those lines.He also got anxious very easily, but this didn’t come up until he was older. He showed all the signs, being extremely hyperactive and unable to focus.